Transition Town Maynooth is part of an international movement with a shared concern: How can our community respond to the challenges presented by a changing climate and the end of the era of cheap oil? This website provides updates on our events, a list of local food sources, recipes that use local and organic food, a 'grow your own' page and information on peak oil. Sign up to get information about the latest events and news, or contact us for more info.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
It's getting hot in here!!!!!!
A time line of temperature predictions over the last 7 years. Seriously Scary!
* Late 2007: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announces that the planet will see a one degree Celsius temperature increase due to climate change by 2100.
* Late 2008: The Hadley Centre for Meteorological Research predicts a 2C increase by 2100.
* Mid-2009: The U.N. Environment Programmepredicts a 3.5C increase by 2100. Such an increase would remove habitat for human beings on this planet, as nearly all the plankton in the oceans would be destroyed, and associated temperature swings would kill off many land plants. Humans have never lived on a planet at 3.5C above baseline.
* October 2009: The Hadley Centre for Meteorological Research releases an updated prediction, suggesting a 4C temperature increase by 2060.
* November 2009: The Global Carbon Project, which monitors the global carbon cycle, and theCopenhagen Diagnosis, a climate science report, predict 6C and 7C temperature increases, respectively, by 2100.
* December 2010: The U.N. Environment Programme predicts up to a 5C increase by 2050.
* 2012: The conservative International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook report for that yearstates that we are on track to reach a 2C increase by 2017.
* November 2013: The International Energy Agency predicts a 3.5C increase by 2035.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Community Conversation Event
It will consist of a talk by Davie Philips of EcoVillage Cloughjordan and Cultivate.ie and will be followed by group discussions.
This is a great opportunity to explore ways in which our local community can help achieve a brighter environmental and economic future for everyone and hopefully it will be a thought provoking and interesting occasion for all that turn up.
You can view the poster below. Click here to download a pdf of the poster that you can print out and hang up, or distribute as a flyer. Please pass the word on to anyone who might be interested. Everyone is welcome. See you there.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
EFSA animation
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, April 29, 2013
Excellent Resilience Website
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Here's hoping...