Thursday, November 29, 2012

Save Our Forests

IMPACT launched a national campaign to oppose the Government's plan to sell the harvesting rights of the State-owned forestry company Coillte.

Read more about it here:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Response to the TINI request

Hi All,

This is the email forn the TINI sent earlier in Nov. What should we respond with?

Hi everyone

The following forum concerns the future of your network - TINI, the website, the national hub status and what to do next.

. Please have a read and let your thoughts be known.


. Kind regards

. Theresa

Q.1 Do we wish to continue to remain within the Transition fold and allow our details to be passed on to TN in the event of dissolution of TINI as outlined in the paragraph below? Or do we wish to opt out?
The MoU with Transition Network Ltd needs to be attended to, regarding dissolution and agreed procedures put in place for this eventuality.
The Transition Network request in the advent of our dissolution, that we would pass over the membership details and this may be done after the members of our Ning community site are made aware of this and given the chance to opt out if they so desire. We propose to issue a months notice by email and community broadcast, before it is necessary to close down the Ning site due to lack of moderation and funding. It is also to be noted that the TINI Training Pool is presently non-operational.

This may more than likely invoke in you a reaction to save our network and several of us have felt this many times in the past couple of years. It was hoped when we set out upon this course, with the Constitution and the MoU that we would evolve a healthy core network group and develop the Transition Concept in our own unique way but the difficulties we face seem to be currently insurmountable.

Q.2 As the paragraph below outlines do we wish to contribute to an evaluation of TINI and the Transition experience? 

A good evaluation may reveal the truth of the situation and help us learn from this frustrating circumstance. 
We therefore propose that a comprehensive investigative and evaluation be carried out to ascertain what has got us to this position and why TINI is unable to maintain an active and evolving group so that we, and others in various parts of the world, may gain an insight from this circumstance. 

My own feeling is that while some groups may be doing well, our experience has not been a great one. We have tried a number of initiatives to interest people in the idea but, disappointed with the lack of response, have become disillusioned  with the prospect of growing into a meaningful and resilient group. There has been a failure to catch fire to attain a significant size capable of doing good projects.

What to say about the TINI itself? My experience of it such as it is has been positive.

Let's make a decision one way or the other. Please feel free to add your own thoughts.

Best regards

Sunday, November 25, 2012